

[Others] Application Note_Tracking Global Metal Production Using MetalSignals by RS Metrics

  • Date : 2023.01.25 15:02

SI Imaging Services (SIIS) provided KOMPSAT-3 and 3A imagery to RS Metrics to use KOMPSAT imagery in MetalSignals. RS Metrics' MetalSignalsTM tracks global outdoor inventories across base & ferrous metals and bulk commodities of major global smelter, storage and port locations and is highly predictive of LME base metal futures price directions 1 and 3 months out with proven out-of-sample accuracy rates between 70% - 85%. The first site is Tiwai Point Aluminum Smelter in New Zealand. The imagery was taken by KOMPSAT-3 on January 15th, 2021. The facility, New Zealand's only aluminum smelter, is at Tiwai Point, near Bluff. It imports alumina and processes it into primary aluminum. The plant's alumina is supplied from refineries in Queensland and the Northern Territory of Australia. Around 90% of the aluminum produced at NZAS is exported, mainly to Japan. RS Metrics' proprietary platform has detected and measured 17236sqm of aluminum finished products (in red) at the site. Moreover, there are 153 employee cars and 3 trucks.

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